How To Quit Your Job And Start Your Own Business

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How To Quit Your Job And Start Your Own Business


The first thing when you’re thinking about qutting your job and starting your own business is start saving. You want to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. You can make far greater amounts of money as an entrepreneur but it’s still you’re going to have high months and you’re going to have low months. And working for yourself is not consistent.


Part of strategy for running your own business is you want to make at least 50% more than what you’re making at your job. Because once again, entrepreneurship has highs and lows. And the tides can shift, the amount of money you’re making.


Just start. This is probably the most important thing. Once you really do it, things can fall in place. If you’re going in from a good place, do it. You have to make that decision. You have to start somewhere.

What To Say When Quitting A Job

Be Brief

Be brief. Don’t go into too much detail. Don’t let your boss know that he’s a total d-bag, don’t talk about these co-workers that you hate and that are stealing stuff from the company and you can’t stand the customers. And it’s an inhumane workplace and you’re underpaid and overworked. Don’t go into any of that. Just be brief. Be very brief to say, “Handing in my notice, I’m not going to be working here anymore. Thanks.”

Be Discreet

Being discreet means don’t give information. Don’t let the person know. When you resign from a job, don’t let them know that you’re going to a competitor, don’t let them know that you really hate the job or that you hate the customers, that you hate the product or you think they’re scamming people or it goes against your morals. They don’t need to know why you’re quitting and they don’t need to know where you are going. That’s your business. They don’t even know you’re starting your own business, whatever it is.

Be Positive.

You never know when you’re going to have to go back into the workforce. You might not be quitting to start your own business. You might not even be moving industries. And chances are if you’re quitting and you’re gonna stay in the same industry, you may need a job there again. So, always be positive. Tell your boss “Thank you for the opportunity to work here.” Just say “I’m moving on and I’m handing in my 2 weeks notice.” There’s not much more you need to say. Thank them for the opportunity.

Don’t go on the attack. What this will do is it’ll also cause your boss like mind trip. Because if you’re positive and you don’t tell people what you’re doing, people get really curious. They are like, “Why are you quitting then? What happened? Did you win the lottery? Did you inherit some big money? Did you start a business? And make a lot of money?”. “What are you doing?”. People are always wondering. Or “Are you working for a competitor?”. The less information you give, the better.

How To Gracefully Quit A Job

5 tactics you can use in handing in your resignation to make sure you keep your options open and open yourself to new opportunities.

Give 1 month’s notice

If you’re truly trying to be respectful of any employer, keep in mind that it takes time to hire people. It takes much longer than 2 weeks to hire a suitable replacement for whatever position it as you do. The higher up of a position you are in, the longer it takes to hire somebody. So, give one month’s notice. What you can do to truly be respectful is tell the employer: “Hey, you know, I’m giving my one month’s notice. But if you need a little bit longer, let me know. I want to make sure that you have enough time to find a replacement for me.” That’s a graceful thing.

Be brief

Don’t drag on it anything long-winded. Don’t go on about stories of what they can improve or what you can improve or how good of a job they did or how good of a job you think you did. They don’t need to know much. Be brief, just say: “Hey, I just like to let you know, I’m giving you my one month’s notice. It was nice working here.” Don’t go into other things.

Be discreet

If you are going to a competitor company, or you are going to work for another company, or you are going to work on your own, they don’t need to know that. If you married somebody and they’re making the money for you, if you just inherited money from your grandparents, whatever the situation is they don’t need to know that. Be discreet. Your situation is your own. Of course, any employer is going to be dying to know why are you quitting. Especially if you’re a good or high-performing employee.

Be positive

If you don’t give your boss a reason to hate you, especially for you were a good employee, it’ll drive them crazy. Do you really want to drive your boss crazy? Don’t yell at them and be like, “You’re an a-hole and you treat people like cattle.” or “You, underpaid people. You have zero respect. You have power problems.” Don’t go into any of that stuff. Just be positive. It’ll drive them more crazy. Especially if you’re a good employee.

Have a plan

If you’re quitting your job, have a transition plan. Maybe you’re going to a competitive company, maybe you’re starting your own company. Whatever that is, you should have a plan to make money when you’re going off on your own. Whatever company you’re going to work for, make sure you have multi month contract. If you’re working on your own, make sure you’re getting paid at least one and a half times what you were being paid at the monthly salary at your old company. Just to give yourself that buffer zone. Because entrepreneurship is hard.

Either have a plan and or know your number. Because there’s a very good chance your boss will be giving you an offer to work for them at a higher price point. They’ll say,”What do you want to stay here? I’ll give you a raise. I’ll give you more money. A bonus structure.”. So, know your number. If that number is a higher salary or maybe you move to a different position. Whatever that is, know what things that your boss could throw at you where you’d have to be. But also keep in mind, if you are telling your boss you’re going to quit once, you need a much higher salary number because they may just say something to get you to stick around and then fire you very quickly, because you’re unloyal. Don’t threaten to resign and then just go back and work at the company. Because once you’ve shown that you’re not loyal to the company, that’s not a good sign.